Racine's Root River.......water levels are at 6.6 cfs......that's LOW!!! Here's the riffle above the Colonial Park Bridge.
It's official....
The state of Wisconsin in their infinite wisdom just allowed the FLY TRIBE a retail business license! NO KIDDING!!! Our beautiful office manager and business consultant (aka...my wife) got all the paperwork in and we've been granted approval!!
A REAL FLY SHOP!!! We can't wait!
The heathens and I have been working the business Plan....Discussing the strategy and trying to decide what to invest in and where to put all the money! Ha, Ha.
The Business will open 2011.
We'll run a local shop in Burlington, WI. Local hours of operation are yet to be established. We have a great on-line company to promote our on-line store. The store will be coming on line as soon as we lock down merchants and generate a little more cash.........
The guide service was supposed to re-invest all of the Fall profits but unfortunately the SE Wisconsin area is in the midst of an "unseasonable" Drought!! So much of the business plan!
Since we're in a drought I thought I'd let you all know about the fishing on the rivers. It's very slow. Waters are VERY LOW! I mean most of the fish could walk up the river faster. Pray for Rain!
Until then......Buy flies! Dutton's been tying like a fiend. We'll have the Fly Fish Nation Truck at the Racine Steelhead Facility weir this Sunday. Come by and say hi!
Dutton and I will be there with the lawn chairs and fly displays.
We might even break down cook some brats and have a couple of cold "DR. PEPPERS"! Here's a sample of Dutton's work. This is his salmon box. There are a lot more like this.

See you on the water.................